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Medicare eligibility is based on many different factors, including your age, disability status, and whether you or your spouse qualify to receive Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits. If that sounds a little complicated, don’t worry. Our friendly, licensed agents can help take the mystery out of your individual Medicare eligibility requirements with just a simple phone call. Speak to an agent today to find out if you qualify for Medicare benefits.
Want more info before you talk to an agent? No problem! Read on to learn more about when you’re eligible to enroll in Medicare health and prescription drug insurance plans.
Generally speaking, the magic number is 65. In other words, the requirements for enrolling in Medicare change depending on whether you’re older or younger than 65.
If you’re at least 65 years old and a citizen of the US who's been living in the country for at least five years, chances are you’re already eligible to enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B (also called Original Medicare). In fact, if you’re already receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits, you will be automatically enrolled in Original Medicare starting the month of your 65th birthday.
In addition, if you’re eligible for Original Medicare (Medicare Parts A and B), you also have the option to enroll in other Medicare plans, such as Medicare Advantage(Part C), prescription drug coverage (Part D), or Medicare Supplement (Medigap). You can do so during any of your eligible Medicare enrollment periods. Additional charges might apply if you delay enrollment in a prescription drug plan.
Generally speaking, if you’re under the age of 65, you are only eligible to receive Medicare benefits if you have certain Medicare-recognized disabilities, such as end-stage renal disease (otherwise known as kidney failure or ESRD) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also called ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease).
As you might have guessed, each Medicare plan comes with different eligibility. Tap or click on the plan you’re interested in to learn more.
Medicare Part A eligibility
If you’re an American citizen who’s lived in the US for at least five years, you are eligible to apply for Medicare Part A starting three months before the first day of the month of your 65th birthday. Or, if your birthday happens to fall on the first day of the month, you can apply for Medicare up to four months prior to the month of your 65th birthday.
You may even qualify for automatic enrollment (whether or not you’re still working) in Medicare Part A if you meet the following requirements:
Medicare Part B elgibility
The eligibility requirements for Medicare Part B are the exact same as Medicare Part A, but with one exception. If you aren’t receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits when you turn 65 (because you’re still working, for example), you will not be automatically enrolled in Medicare Part B. Instead, you must apply for Medicare Part B coverage yourself during one of your designated Medicare enrollment periods.
Medicare Advantage (Part C) eligibility
Unlike Medicare Parts A and B, which are provided by the federal government, Medicare Part C is only offered through private insurance companies.
You are eligible to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan if you:
To find Medicare Advantage plans near you, talk to a licensed agent today at 1-855-200-9401.
Medicare Part D (prescription drug) eligibility
Similar to Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage), Medicare Part D plans are offered exclusively by private insurance companies. You are eligible for Medicare Part D coverage if you have Medicare Part A or Part B benefits (or both) and if you live in an area where Part D plans are sold.
To find Medicare prescription drug plans near you, talk to a licensed agent today at 1-855-200-9401.
Medicare Supplement (Medigap) eligibility
You are eligible to enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan if you:
Finding out whether you’re eligible for Medicare is quick and easy. A licensed agent can help you find out in just a matter of minutes. Talk to one today!
Call 1-855-200-9401Ready to Enroll for coverage? Get started by tapping or clicking the button below. If you need help during the application process, simply contact a friendly licensed agent at 1-855-200-9401.
Can I get Medicare at age 62?
Unless you have been diagnosed with a Medicare-covered disability, the short answer is no, you can’t. Typically, you must be at least 65 years old to receive Medicare benefits. However, under some circumstances, your spouse may qualify for Medicare, even if you’re younger than 65 and retired.
For example, let’s say you retired at 62 years old, but your spouse just turned 65. Let’s further say your spouse hasn’t worked or paid Medicare taxes for at least 10 years (the minimum to qualify for automatic enrollment in Medicare Part A) prior to turning 65. But you, on the other hand, have been working and paying Medicare taxes for more than 10 years.
In this scenario, you would not be able to enroll in Medicare Part A yet, but your spouse would.
That’s just one example, but if you’d like to learn whether you and your spouse’s circumstances may qualify one or both of you for Medicare, talk to a licensed agent today.
I’ve heard you can get Medicare at age 55. Is that true?
Not exactly. The Medicare at 55 Act is a bill that was introduced in the US Senate back in 2017 and that would allow people aged 55 to 64 to enroll in Medicare. In other words, this bill—if passed—would lower the effective Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 55.
As you might imagine, the Medicare at 55 Act is the subject of much debate. It may be some time before this bill is made into law—if it’s ever made into a law in the first place—and changes to the minimum Medicare eligibility age are made.